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Holy Crap, It's EEK !!!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 5:06 pm
by FA_Frey_XC

That's right!

XenoCorp is proud to present the Official EEK V2.1. Beta Test Server.

Here's what you need to do:

1. Download the OP Patch 2552 ( you can get both versions of the patch HERE.

2. Patch to 2552 (I know I know, but for precisions sake!)

3. Download FireSouls OP Plus 3.1 HERE.

4. Install OP Plus 3.1.

5. Download Karnaks new mission pack HERE.

6. Install said mission pack.

Karnak will post here with the specifics of installing the shiplist and such.


PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 6:09 pm
by el-Karnak
Dyna. Mod Installation Instructions

1) Download and install either Model or non-Model version of OPPlus v3.1 shiplist. (Note: X-Ships, Mirv-Armed ships, LDR and WYN will not be used unless a great call is made for them by the playerbase).

2) Download and install EEK-OP v2.1 mission pack.

3) Backup your existing SFC2-OP/assets/spec/shiplist.txt file. Then download this following customized shiplist from and place in your SFC2-OP/assets/spec folder.

4) You are are now ready to log onto the EEK Beta Dyna. Good Luck and Good Hunting..

The object of the campaign is to win a war where the self-righteous ISC, Fed-hating Klingons, power-hungry Roms, "persuaded" Gorns have colluded and conspired in a "Coalition" to undergo a war of "pacification" to dominate the "Alliance" of the Federation and its Mirak, Hydran and Lyran allies.

Alliances: The Coalition Powers (ISC, Klingons, Romulans, Gorns) versus the Alliance Powers (Federation, Hydrans, Mirak/Kzintis, Lyrans).

VCs: 25 VPs given for each enemy planet taken, 10 VPs for each enemy base taken and 100 VPs for each enemy Homeworld taken. Alliances: I/R/G/K vs. M/H/L/F. Post VP claims in SFC2 - Orion Pirates forum ( or send an email to or Please include the follow information:

1. Stardate VP claimed.
2. Hex (X,Y) Co-ordinates
3. Race name that is claiming VP.

Starting Era: Early, Year 2268. Each game turn is 10 minutes long. Each year has 288 game turns so it takes 2 real-time days to complete.

General Rules and CnC rules will be posted shortly.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 9:37 am
by FCM_Kortez_XC
Sounds like a lot of fun, Karnak. Thanks, man!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 1:20 pm
by el-Karnak
Thanks, Corwin. :D

Here are the General Campaign Rules:
General Campaign Rules

and the Command and Control Rules: Command and Control Rules

The general campaign rules are very much similar to the SS2 rule set so there is not too much new to learn for veterans of the last serious dyna. The is an addendum to the disengagement rule that allows the usage of mulitple ship fleets but I'm sure that the general trend on the dyna will definitely be towards one player/one ship in order to maximize the usage of this rule:

***Begin Disengagement Rule Section***
The following rules of disengagement apply if, and only if, in the mission the winning side's largest player fleet has a less than or equal number of ships per Human player as the losing side's smallest player fleet.

Note: a player fleet would be inclusive of a player flying only one ship.

If you are forced off the map by an enemy team, you cannot take missions in that hex for 10 game turns, or 1 hour, 40 minutes.

If your ship is destroyed by an enemy team, you cannot take missions in that hex for 5 game turns, or 50 minutes.
***End Disengagement Rule Section***

What this all means is that in any PvP mission take a look at the largest fleet being flown by one player on the winning side and compare it to the smallest fleet flown by one player on the losing side. Only if the mission's winner has less than or equal number of ships for between the two compared players can they enforce the disengagement rule.

Eg.#1 Side A: 1 human w/ 2 ships.
Side B: 1 human w/ 1 ship.
Only if Side B wins is the disengagement rule enforced.

Eg. #2 Side A: 1 human w/ 2 ships, 1 human w/ 1 ship.
Side B: 1 human w/ 1 ship, 1 human w/ 1 ship.
Only if Side B wins is the disengagement rule enforced.

Eg. #3 Side A: 1 human w/ 1 ship, 1 human w/ 1 ship
Side B: 1 human w/ 1 ship, 1 human w /1 ship, 1 human w/ 1 ship
Either side can enforce disengagement rule with a win.

Eg. #4 Side A: 1 human w/ 1 ship
Side B: 1 human w/ 1 ship, 1 human w /1 ship
Either side can enforce disengagement rule with a win.

Eg. #5 Side A: 1 human w/ 2 ships, 1 human w/ 2 ships
Side B: 1 human w/ 2 ship
Either side can enforce disengagement rule with a win.

Eg. #6 Side A: 1 human w/ 2 ships, 1 human w/ 1 ship
Side B: 1 human w/ 1 ship
Only Side B can enforce disengagement rule with a win.

Eg. #7 Side A: 1 human w/ 1 ship
Side B: 1 human w/ 1 ship
Either side can enforce disengagement rule with a win.

So, now players can fly multiple ship fleets to go base and planet busting while still using the disengagement rule when the sides are basically even.

The Command and Control Rules are pretty basic. You need a CA to even add on one secondary AI to your fleet. You need at least a BCH to add on 2 secondary AIs to your fleet. The secondary ships can never be bigger than CLs.

There is also a fighter and PF CnC where fighters and PFs are split into two groups:

Fighter Types
The following fighters are classified as Heavy or Assault types:

F-Vulture, F-Raven, H-Hornet, H-Wasp, I-Caveat, I-Tort., K-Lancer, K-Blockader,Z-Basenji, Z-Mastiff.

The following fighters are classified as Interceptor or Patrol types:

F-Hawk, F-Jay, H-KillerBee, H-YellowJacket, I-Writ., I-Restitution, K-Fencer, K-Swift, Z-Saluki, Z-Vizsla.

Pseudo-Fighter (PF) Types
The following PFs are classified as Leader or Escort Types:

G-PFd, G-PFd+, G-PFLd, G-PFe, G-PFe+, G-PFL, L-PFE, L-PFL, L-PFp, L-PFp+, R-CENL, R-CENd, R-CENd+, R-STH-L, R-STH-E, R-STH-D.

The following PFs are classified as Interceptor or Scout Types:


When flying a fighter or PF carrying ship you can never have more than 50% of your fighters/PFs belonging to just one group. Basically, a 50/50 split between Heavy and Light attrition units.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 4:51 pm
by FA_Frey_XC
Woot !!

Now THEM some instructiiions !

PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 7:22 pm
by KBF-Kurok
Cool deal

PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 8:03 pm
by el-Karnak
Server is LIVE and is ready for some serious destruction and mayhem. :D

BTW, I'm playing Lyran to show how they can now really base/planet bust in the new EEK missions. :D

PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 8:49 pm
by FVA_C_Blade_XC

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 10:44 pm
by ferretlxix
great now I have to D/L this mod to catch up LOL!
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Looking forward to slinging poinging balls of flaming methane bolts of death (Hell Bores)!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: