Language Policy Being Revisited

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Moderator: FA_Frey_XC

Language Policy Being Revisited

Postby FCM_Kortez_XC » Thu May 06, 2004 3:50 pm

Overuse of profanity has caused XenoCorp to reevaluate it's policy on language use in the forums.

Over the next few days we will be instituting word control to alter profanity. Thank you for your understanding.

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Postby FA_Frey_XC » Thu May 06, 2004 4:14 pm

I'd like to expound a bit on the reasoning for this.

First it's not a insult to our XC members, nor our regular members. We here at XenoCorp believe it's in everyone's rights to express themselves in whatever manner they see fit. We've also been happy that in every avenue our regular members and XC FDF members have been able to "police" themselves in this regard.

Of course, we all know that I had to vent about my feelings on WaterTiger. That's what the off topic forum was for, and will continue to be for. Pulling on shot rants is better than holding it in, and we made the Off Topic forum private just for that.

Temporarily tho we're going to institute a word censor because recently registered forum contributors don't seem to have the ability to understand that obscenities - while sometimes appropriate to establish the true emotive aspect of your communication - loose that impact if used over...and over...and over again. While it's unfortunate that the rest of us must deal with this, we felt it'd be best if we just turned on the word censor.

Look, let's face it - I KNOW I could ask a XC FDF Member to tone it down and they would. I KNOW we could ask our regular members to tone it down, and they would.

WaterTiger and his cronies have shown in their recent posts that they not only don't do what they say they will, but they have also demonstrated succinctly the actual Dr. Jekyl / Mr. Hyde mentality that's become their trademark.

Please just bear with us and excuse the temporary word censor. Once the rift-raft either grow up or at least follow their own standards (or what they try to portray as standards) we'll turn iit back off.

CEO, XenoCorp® Inc.
Director Fleet Activities.

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